2023 Caucus Awards

Best Book Prize

(2021 Winners, none selected in 2022 and 2023)

Proving Patriotismo (Lexington Books) by  Jessica Lavariega Monforti and Adam McGlynn


The Politics of Patronage (Univ. of Texas Press) by Benjamin Márquez

Honorable Mention: States of Belonging (Russell Sage) by Tomás R. Jiménez, Deborah J. Schildkraut, Yuen J. Huo, and John F. Dovidio

The Latino Caucus of the American Political Science Association awards a Latino Politics Best Book Prize each year. The award is given for an outstanding book that examines the political thought and practice of Latinos in the United States, exploring the ways in which race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and/or class affect Latinos in their quest for social and political empowerment. Broadly defined, Latino politics can apply to a variety of issues related to civil rights, political incorporation, and the various ways Latinos engage the U.S. political system and in democratic politics more generally. Topics of interest include political identity and mobilization, parties and elections, Latino political thought, intersectional and coalition politics, social movements, and the politics of race and representation. In addition to demonstrated superiority in scholarship on the study of Latino politics, nominated work should focus substantially or entirely on developments in the U.S. context. The award may be granted to a single-authored or multi-authored book, or to an edited volume. The award typically includes a cash prize of $500. The book award will be presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting. 

Submission Guidelines: Books eligible for the 2023 prize must have a copyright/publication year of 2022. If you would like to submit a book for consideration of this award, please send a copy of the book directly to all committee members by June 1, 2023

We strongly recommend sending an electronic copy of the book in PDF form or eBook as soon as possible in order to avoid delays in sending a print copy. 

The committee can be contacted here: , , 

Please feel free to contact the Caucus president, Bernard Fraga, or Jessica Lavariega Monforti (Committee Chair) if you have any questions or concerns.  

Current committee: Jessica Lavariega Monforti (Chair, CSU Channel Islands), Roberto Carlos (UT Austin), and Carlos Huerta (TAMU-CC)

​Past Winners (year published)

2020: Holding Fast (Russell Sage) by James A. McCann and Michael Jones-Correa and Cruelty as Citizenship (Univ. of MN Press) by Cristína Beltrán

2019: Latino Professionals in American: Testimonios of Policy, Perseverance, and Success (Routledge) by Maria Chavez

2018: Specters of Belonging | Adrian Felix (University of California, Riverside) AND The Latino Question: Politics, Labouring Classes, and the Next Left | Armando Ibarra (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Alfredo Carlos (California State University, Long Beach), & Rodolfo D. Torres (University of California, Irvine)

2017: The New Immigrants: Immigration, Protests, and the Politics of Latino Identity | Heather Silber Mohammed (Clark University)

2016: Unspoken Politics: Implicit Attitudes and Political Thinking | Efren Perez (Vanderbilt University)

2015: Terrorizing Latina/o Immigrants: Race, Gender, and Immigration Politics in the Age of Security | Anna Sampaio (Santa Clara University)

Emerging Scholar

 University of Texas- Rio Grande Valley

 2023 Winner

The Latino Caucus Emerging Scholar Award was established in 2018 and is issued to a scholar who is no more than 6 years from earning their Ph.D., who has made a significant contribution to the Latina/o/x community, and is awaiting tenure. The recipient should be an untenured Caucus member who has informed the study of Latina/o/x Politics through innovative scholarship with a strong publication trajectory, engagement with the field, and teaching. Emerging Scholars nominees must be Caucus members

Submission Guidelines: To submit a nominee for consideration, please submit a CV for the candidate and a letter in support of the candidate by June 1, 2023 to all committee members. 

The committee can be contacted here:, , 

Current Committee:Julia Marin Hellwege (Chair, University of South Dakota), Rene Rocha (University of Iowa), and Tabitha Bonilla (Northwestern University)

Past Winners:

2021- Julia Marin Hellwege, University of South Dakota

2020 - Ivy A.M. Cargile, California State University, Bakersfield

2019 - Marcela Garcia Castañon, San Francisco State University

Lifetime Achievement

University of California, Los Angeles

2023 Winner

The Latino Caucus Lifetime Achievement Award is issued to a senior scholar who has made a significant and substantial contribution to the Latina/o/x community and the discipline. The recipient should be a tenured person who has transformed the study of Latina/o/x Politics over a long, but current and active, career

Lifetime Achievement nominees must be Caucus members

Submission Guidelines for 2023:  To submit a nominee for consideration, please submit a CV for the candidate and a letter in support of the candidate by June 1, 2023 to all committee members. 

The committee can be contacted here:, , 

Current Committee: Eric Gonzalez Juenke (Chair, Michigan State University), Angel Molina (Arizona State University), and Andrea Silva (University of North Texas)

Past Winners:

2021- Valerie Martinez-Ebers, University of North Texas

2020- Gary Segura, UCLA

2019- Angelo Falcon


The Fund’s primary goal is to encourage and support the recruitment, retention, and promotion of political science students and scholars who study and research Latina/o politics (especially students and tenure track junior faculty). Grants will be made to individuals, institutions, and projects whose purposes most clearly match the goals of the Fund, and whose proposals most persuasively demonstrate capacity for successful completion. 

The fund will award grants to initiatives that:

Grants will be made to individuals, institutions, and projects whose purposes most clearly match the goals of the Fund, and whose proposals most persuasively demonstrate capacity for successful completion. Junior faculty members (inc. non-tenure track and lecturers), graduate students, undergraduate students, and institutions are eligible to apply. Awards vary by nomination. The funds are allocated prior to the Annual Meeting and applications are typically due in spring. Visit APSA's website for more information about the application, submission information, and to apply. Please direct questions to: 

Deadline: Applications for the 2024 cycle will open May 1, 2024. 

Meet the 2023 Winners: Read more about the FLS winners here

Past Winners

2022: Robert Alvarez (University of Houston), Erika Arias (Syracuse University), Austin Barraza (Northeastern University), Anthony Bencomo (University of California, Santa Cruz), Michelle Bueno Vasquez (Northwestern University), Jessica Cobian (University of California, Los Angeles), Sara Heridia (Emory University), David Herrera (Brown University), Aime Hogue Rovelo (University of Missouri, Columbia), Ana Oaxaca Carrasco (University of California, Los Angeles), Camila Paez Bernal, Arizona State University, Yanira Rivas Pineda (University of California, Santa Barbara), Angel Torres Guevara (University of Chicago), Cesar Vargas Nunez (Stanford University)

2021: Jesse Acevedo (University of Denver), Maya Camargo- Vemuri (Johns Hopkins University), Juan Campos (UC- Berkeley), Kimberly Cardenas (Univ. of Pennsylvania), Fernando Nobre Cavalcante (State Univ. of Campinas, Brazil), Ely Orrego- Torres (Northwestern University), Maricruz Osorio (UC- Riverside), Eva-Marie Quinones (Yale), Valentina Salas (Univ. of Minnesota), Rodolfo Solís (UCLA), Daisy Vazquez Vera (UCLA), Gabriel Vergara (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst),  Verónica Zebadúa-Yáñez (University of Maryland, College Park), and Daniel Zengotita (Univ. of Florida)

2020: Nicolas Albertoni (University of Southern California), Noemi Alexander (Claremont Graduate University), Estefania Castañeda Pérez (University of California), Fernando Luiz Cavalcante (State University of Campinas), Alejandro Contreras (Brown University), Kennia Coronado (The University of Wisconsin-Madison), Luzmarina Garcia (University of Illinois), Julia Marin Hellwege, (University of South Dakota), Jennifer Martinez (Portland State University), Maricruz Osorio (University of California- Riverside), Carlos Rivera Garcia (University of California- Berkeley), Angel Saavedra Cisneros (St. Norbert College)

2019: Rebeca J. Agosto Rosa (Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Alejandro Beltran Aguirre (Univ of AZ), Tabitha Bonilla (Northwestern), Álvaro José Corral (The College of Wooster), Angela Gutierrez (UCLA), Michelangelo Landgrave (UC-Riverside), Eddie Lucero (UC-Merced), Eduardo Salinas (Univ. of Illinois), Inés Valdez (Ohio State), Daisy Vera (UCLA)

2018: Kristine Kay-Erkiletian (UC-Berkeley), Brian Lovato (Augustana College), Angely Martinez (Syracuse University), Yanira Rivas Pineda de Melendez (UC-Santa Barbara), Tana Stamper (UNC-Chapel Hill), Fernando Tormos-Aponte (Univ. of Missouri- STL), Rachel Torres (Univ. of Iowa), María Laura Veramendi García (Syracuse University), Randy Villegas (UC- Santa Cruz), Gabriela Vitela (Louisiana State), Catherine Wineinger (Rutgers)

2017: Rudy Alamillo (UC Riverside), Teresa Yoloti Gomez (San Jose State University), Alfredo Gonzalez (University of Chicago), Maricruz Osorio (UC Riverside), Estefania Castaneda Perez (UCLA), Heather Silber Mohamed (Clark University), Juliana Restrepo Sanin (Rutgers University), University of Maryland Center for American Politics and Citizenship (Stella Rouse)

2016: David Cortez (Cornell University), Ivelisse Cuevas-Molina (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Angela Gutierrez (UCLA), Danielle Lemi (UC Riverside), Vanessa Nichols (University of Michigan), Angela Ocampo (UCLA), Liana Eustacia Reyes-Reardon (Rice University)

Related Awards

  Adaljiza Sosa-Riddel Mentoring Awards

The Adaljiza Sosa-Riddell Award is a Status of Latinos y Latinas in the Profession Award. It is named in honor of the first Latina to earn a PhD in political science, Adaljiza Sosa-Riddell, this mentor award honors recipients with a non-monetary certificate and recognition at the committee's annual meeting reception. The Committee recognizes exceptional mentoring of Latino/a students and junior faculty each year with three awards honoring Adaljiza Sosa-Riddell, a life-long mentor of Latinos/as. Three awards are given in the areas of undergraduate, graduate and junior faculty mentoring.